Snapping Turtles

Snapping Turtles

Monday, March 24, 2008

Comments for LOTF

1 comment on Sophia Lee's Main Character Blog

5 comments on Inhyuk Hwang's Climax, Character, Theme,Page 33, and the Mood blogs.
(I just found out that Inhyuk deleted all his posts that I commented on....).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


*are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.
"Ralph dientangled himself cautiously and stole away through the branches. In a few seconds the fat boy's grunts were behind him and he was hurrying toward the screen that still lay between him and the lagoon. He climbed over a broken trunk and was out of the jungle.
The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or reclined against the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air. The ground beneath was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn everywhere by the upheavels of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings. Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar." "Lord of the Flies" (From Pages 9-10)
This setting is beautiful but disturbing. This passage shows the beautiful scenery of the island, the boys' excitement, and also their fear. The boys are happy (for the moment) in this island. They like the palm trees, the jungle, the absence of adults (their freedom). The boys are excited and full of energy.
However, fear is present deep inside the children's hearts. They instinctly know that they are in trouble. They need to be rescued. They cannot survive for long.
The setting is meaningful to me because it it full of descriptions of nature. Many times, I have stared at a blade of grass, a tiny bug, the slowly-moving clouds, the shining moon, and the twinkling stars. Nature has marveled numerous times. This passage reminds of me of how awesome nature is. It shows how wonderful the one who made all this really is.

CuRrEnT sItUaTiOn Of ThE wOrLd? (LordOfTheFlies)

*are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

LOTF does not seem to be directed on one specific situation in the world. It seems to be directed to the current situation of the whole world. The book simply tells us that the world is like a bunch of boys trying to survive on an island. We are in peace with each other at first, but we become dissatisfied with our (limited) leader, we revolt, and then comes WAR. We become like savages (Jack leads the boys into hunting like savages...). We kill each other for no good reasons (Piggy and Simon die in LOTF). We destroy our environment (The boys burn up the island). Finally, we need to be saved from ourselves.

LOTF does not say we can save ourselves. It tells us that we need to be saved by someone who is not human (or a child). God (represented as an adult in LOTF) saves us. We can only rely on God not ourselves...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Characters of LOTF

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters of LOTF are Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Samneric, Simon, and the littluns. Ralph is (or becomes) the leader of the boys of the island. He has a conch (representing authority). Ralph represents a leader of the world. Piggy is smart but fat boy. He becomes (sort of) the advisor of Ralph. Piggy represents the "scientists" of the world. Jack is the leader (?) of the choir. At first, he and the choir become Ralph's hunters. Jack only cares about having fun and does not really care about getting rescued. Jack starts rebellion against Ralph. Samneric are two people. They are the twins. They stick with Ralph until the very end of the story. Simon is the weird, shy boy. He is the first boy to die. The littluns are all the very young boys and they represent the common people (or commoners of the world).

I don't particularly like the characters of LOTF. They are (maybe too) realistic imitations of people of the real world. The boys in the island are selfish, "uncivilized, and they also fight too much. They show how sinful man really is.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of LOTF is when Simon gets killed. From the beginning of the novel, the boys think that Simon is weird (just because he is a little shy). Simon finds out that the "monster" was just a dead man with a parachute. The boys are in the middle of doing the pig killing dance when Simon tries to tell them the truth about the "monster". They get all crazy and push Simon to the middle of the dance. Then they hurl their wooden spears at him until he dies. The ocean washes his corpse away. After this happens, the ruler of the island switches from Ralph to Jack. All the boys except Samneric (the twins) go to Jack and serve him. The boys become even crazier after the death of Simon.

The climax of this novel really grosses me out. The nice little kids become scary murderers. Following the crowd, even Ralph (supposedly the good guy) joins in the dance of death. Everyone turns bad in an instance. This novel shows us how disgusting and barbaric we (people) really are.


What is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2008?

The theme of LOTF seems to be man is corrupted (sinful) and cannot save himself, but men have a rescuer (a Savior). By the end of the book, the island is in shambles. The bloodthirsty hunters are trying to murder Ralph. Ralph is in tears and is trying his best to run away. Two boys were already killed. The island was hopeless. It's just like the world.

However, that is not the end of the book. Suddenly, a man comes to rescue the boys (from themselves). The boys are saved. Similarily, the world has a rescuer. We mess up and need to be saved from ourselves. God is our Savior. In his arms, we are safe, perfectly safe.

The Lord Of The Fly's MOOD

What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

Since "Lord of the Flies" is a dystopian novel, it has quite a depressing mood. The novel does not have a gloomy mood at first glance, though. The kids are happy not to be around adults. Everything seems fine. However, fear can be felt in the background. The reader knows that the kids are hopeless without adults. If the kids are not rescued, they will eventually die! As Jack (and the other kids) becomes more and more barbaric, this fear can be more easily felt.

This novel is depressing. When I hear that a book is about an island with only kids only it, I think of fun and happy adventures, not of kids becoming barbaric and killing other kids. It is more depressing because this story is supposed to represent the real world. We are like kids on an island by ourselves. Is there an adult who comes to save us in the real world?

Actually, "Lord of the Flies" is not that depressing because we (people all around the world) do have an adult who is going to rescue us. God is our rescuer. We screw up and burn "our island" up and God rescues us and rescues us and brings us to heaven.

Contrary to what I first thought, "Lord of the Flies" is not so depressing.

Monday, March 10, 2008

The god of bugs

If I was a Greek god, then I would want to be god of the bugs. I would be able to instantly change my size from gigantic to tiny. I would spend most of my time in my tiny bug castle that my bugs would make for me. I would have a private dragonfly which I would use to travel through my kingdom. My army would be swarms of angry bees (although they would not be so useful in the big world...). I would be able to sleep on a comfortable spider web. As the god of bugs, I would have a lot of responsibilites, but I would also have a lot of fun.
My physical appearance would not be like either Medusa or the Cyclops. Instead I would just look like a normal person, but dressed as colorfully as a bug.

My bug kingdom would be useful to Zeus. He would be able to use my bugs as spies, messengers, workers, etc. If I was really the god of bugs, my bugs would be very useful.

The Lernaean Hydra

A well-known monster from Greek mythology is the Lernaean Hydra. The Lernean Hydra is said to be the offspring of Gaia, the enemy of Zeus. It guarded the underworld from the lake of Lerna.
It is famous (or maybe rather infamous) because Hercules, the most famous hero of Greek mythology, killed it. The hydra is said to have several heads which all had a poisonous breath. The hydra had a special ability in that it grew back two heads when one of its heads were cut off.
Killing the hydra was one of Hercules twelve labours. He had a hard time killing it. He needed the help of Iolao to defeat hydra. With the help of Iolao, Hercules burned the decapitated necks which stopped the hydra from regenerating its head. During the fight between the hydra and Hercules, Hercules also defeated a giant crab (that Hera had sent). Later Hera placed the Lernaen Hydra and the giant crab as constellations.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Zeus is the greatest god in Greek mythology. His parents were Cronus and Rhea.When Zeus was born, Cronus was the strongest god. Cronus swallowed up his children right after they were born so that they could not rebel against him. Rhea did not want her children to get swallowed so when her fifth child, Zeus, was born she tricked Cronus. She tricked her husband into swallowing a rock instead of their child, Zeus. Then later Zeus overthrew his father, Cronus, and became the ruler of the heavens. Later, Zeus married Hera. He had many children. Many rebelled against him, but he was never overthrown.
Hercules is Zeus's son so, naturally, they are quite similar. They both are in lowly (or bad) situations ar first, but then they overcome their harships and are rewarded with fame and honor. Zeus and Hercules both are strong and great, but get into trouble because of liking someone. The way in which Hercules and Zeus are most different is that Zeus is a god, but Hercules is (or chooses to remain) as a mortal.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


I posted two comments on Jessie Park's blog (one for "The Current Situations" and one for "The Climax").
I posted one comment on David Kim's blog (for his 2nd post).
I posted two comments on Michael Shin's blog (one for his mood post and one for his climax post).
I posted one comment on Steven Kim's blog (for his main characters post).