Snapping Turtles

Snapping Turtles

Monday, February 11, 2008

1984's Climax

I think 1984's climax is when Winston yells (to O'Brien) to let Julia suffer instead of him. After Winston yells that, Winston's feelings change. He stops resisting because he truly wanted Julia to get tortured by the rats in Room 101 instead of himself. He begins to love Big Brother. He stops loving Julia.
I thought that Winston would not be subdued by O'Brien even after going through Room 101. Naturally, I was surprised at the end of the book. 1984 made me ponder that if everyone in the world opposed my beliefs and I knew my beliefs were right would I be able to stand firm in my beliefs...


DaBist said...

I agree with your statement about the climax of 1984. It was when Winston said that he wished Julia to be tortured instead of him, just as O'Bryan intended. I also would like to comment about your comment about the act of Winston.
You said "if everyone in the world opposed my beliefs and I knew my beliefs were right would I be able to stand firm in my beliefs..."
It is really easy to say that you'll do something no matter what happens. I believe Winston had the similar thought in his mind throughout the book before the torture. When he actually had to go through something that he said that he'll stand strong against, Winston ended up giving in, and went against everything he believed for many decades. Will you be able to stand tough to your beliefs unlike Winston???

Jesse Park said...

I agree with everything you said in this post. I also thought that the climax is when Winston yelled out to torture Julia instead him. When he yelled it out, the goal and aspect of his life totally changed. I was shock that Winston actually began to love Big Brother. Good post~

David Kim said...

I thought the climax of 1984 is the scene when Smith and Julie get caught by Mr. Charrington and finding out that he was the spy of Thought Police, but after reading Josep's post about the climax, I am starting to think that he is also right. I especially liked the question he brought up at the end of the post: "I everyone in the world opposed my beliefs and I knew my beliefs were right would I be able to stand firm in my beliefs..." I want to believe that I would be able to, but at the same time I am afraid that I might not. I want to know what I would have done if I were in Winston's situation at the end of the story.

Kangaroo said...

I think everyone who reads this post and these comments will agree to the climax.
Winston had promised not to betray Julia, and vice versa. However, as he faces his worst fear, he breaks down.
Great job on your posts and comments!!!